石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1097&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁11&*沈荃(西元一六二四∼一六八四年),字貞蕤,號繹堂,別號充齋。順治進士,官至禮部侍郎,工詩善書,學行醇潔。沈荃書法初學董其昌,晚年得力於米芾。他曾於康熙朝奉召入宮,與皇帝論古今書法。 此幅行書節錄《集王字聖教序》段落,雖仍保有二王書風筋骨,但整體而言,其結字斜傾、肩架瘦長,字畫的粗細變化幅度也略為加強,顯示出受米芾、董其昌影響後的面貌。(20100711)&* Shen Quan (style name Zhenrui, sobriquets Yitang and Chongzhai) was a Presented Scholar (jinshi) under the Shunzhi Emperor (r. 1644-1661) and became Vice Minister of Rites. He also excelled at poetry and calligraphy, his learning being pure and lofty. At first Shen studied the style of Dong Qichang but later strived for Mi Fu’s. At one time he was even ordered to the palace to discuss calligraphy with the emperor. This work is a transcription from the Sacred Teachings Preface. Although it preserves the appearance of the Two Wangs’ style, overall the characters are slanted and thin, the variation in the thickness of the strokes being slightly exaggerated, thus revealing the influence after Mi Fu and Dong Qichang instead.(20100711)