石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2578-2580&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁284-286&*祝允明(西元一四六一-一五二七年),字希哲,號枝山,江蘇蘇州人,三十三歲薦為舉人,五十五歲任廣東興寧知縣,後升任應天府(南京)通判。他具有多方面才藝,九歲能作詩,二十餘歲以古文揚名蘇州,書法廣泛師法古人,有豐富多變化的面貌。此冊臨鍾繇〈力命帖〉與〈還示帖〉二帖並抄錄相關書論,用筆淳雅,結構寬博,點畫結構間顯示出其臨摹功力與對鍾繇書法之理解。(20120104)&* Zhu Yunming (style name Xizhe, sobriquet Zhishan), a native of Suzhou, Jiangsu, was a Provincial Graduate at 33 and at 55 served as District Magistrate of Xingning, Guangdong, being later promoted to Controller-general of Yingtianfu (modern Nanjing). A man of abundant talents in many arts, at 9 he could already write poetry, and while in his twenties his archaic-style essays were famous in Suzhou. In calligraphy he studied many ancient styles for rich variety. This album is a copy of Zhong You’s “Liming” and “Huanshi” works with a transcription of related commentaries. The brushwork is pure and refined, the character structure broad and expansive. The strokes and dots reveal his skill at copying and his understanding of Zhong You’s calligraphy.(20120104)