故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁98。&*石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁936。&*沈周(西元一四二七-一五0九年),長洲(江蘇蘇州)人。字啟南,號石田,自稱白石翁。為人寬厚有大度,能詩文,工書法,善繪畫。書法黃庭堅,遒勁奇崛。山水少承家法,凡宋元名手,皆能變化出入。 沈周的朋友趙鳴玉老而無鬚,另一位朋友姚存道為此求助於周宗道,請分鬚十莖給趙鳴玉,由沈周執筆為化募之文。該卷以行書大字寫成,筆法沉著穩健,體勢挺拔,縱橫舒展,與黃庭堅相似,風格渾厚,自成一格。(20091015) &* Shen Zhou (style name Qinan; sobriquet Shitian) was from Changzhou (modern Suzhou, Jiangsu). He was magnanimous and gifted at poetry, painting, and calligraphy. In the latter, he studied Huang Tingjian’s style for a unique, powerful slant. In landscapes, he followed his family in learning Song and Yuan styles to form his own. Shen’s friend, Zhao Mingyu, was old but did not have a beard. When Yao Cundao heard of it, he asked Zhou Zongdao (who had a full beard) to help by giving him ten whiskers. Shen Zhou lent his support with this handscroll done in large running script. The brush is penetrating yet stable, the characters upright and well-spaced. The style resembles Huang Tingjian’s, but with Shen’s own slightly heavier mannerism.(20091015)&*沈周(1427--1509)字啟南,號石田,蘇州長洲縣(今江蘇省吳縣)人。出於家境寬裕,愛好文藝的家庭,終生未曾服公職。他學識廣博,詩詞、散文、繪畫、書法都有很深的造詣,為十五世紀蘇州藝壇的領袖。沈周的友人趙鳴玉缺少鬍子,姚存道請沈周作〈化鬚疏〉,向美髯公周宗道求助,分給趙鳴玉十支,以補不足。這是一篇諧謔的文章,可以看出當時蘇州文人間輕鬆幽默的一面。不過沈周仍然煞有介事的引經據典,大作文章,而且以端莊的大行楷書之,亦莊亦諧,令人莞薾。沈周不以書名,書法對他來說,和詩文繪畫一樣,只是傳達個人情感,抒發懷抱的媒介之一。書體上,中年以後,偏好宋代文人書家黃庭堅(1045--1105)的行書,尤其誇張黃體向左右伸展的撇捺筆趣。此卷約五十七歲書,長波大撇,運筆如鼓楪奮進,挺健而頑澀,王鏊(1450--1524)評其書,有「倔傲之氣」,(註)此卷可見一斑。結體與行間較黃庭堅端整,撇捺鋒勢較顯著,此是明代一時風氣,他的弟子文徵明繼承其法,加以腴潤,另謀新貌。(何傳馨) Shen Chou (style name Ch'i-nan, sobriquets Shih-t'ien and Pai-shih weng) was a native of Ch'ang-chou (modern Suchou, Kiangsu). The son of Shen Chen-chi (1409-1477), Shen Chou was an artist of many talents, gifted at poetry, prose, and calligraphy, as well as painting. His calligraphy followed in the style of Huang T'ing-chien (1045-1105), with its bold yet unusual style. In landscapes, he followed in the family style at first, but later was able to transform the manners of the Sung and Yuan masters to create a style of his own. When a friend of Shen Chou, Chao Ming-yu, reached old age, he had not yet grown a beard. When Yao Ts'un-tao heard of the situation, he asked Chou Tsung-tao, who had a full beard of his own, to help Chao by giving him ten bristles. Shen Chou lent his support by this piece. This handscroll was calligraphed in large characters of running script. The brushwork is penetrating yet stable, the characters upright and well-spaced. The style resembles that of Huang T'ing-chien, but Shen's is slightly heavier with his own mannerisms. &*1.江兆申,〈沈周書化鬚疏 卷〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《吳派畫九十年展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),頁297。 2.何傳馨,〈帝國的回憶 國立故宮博物院瑰寶赴法展專輯二 — 沈周化鬚疏〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第186期(1998年9月),頁12-15。