石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1097&*故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁21&*故宮歷代法書全集,第三十冊,頁89、116-117&*米漢雯(西元十七世紀),字紫東,號秀喦,宛平(今北平)人,明太僕米萬鍾之孫,順治十八年(一六六一)進士,好學工詩,兼善小令。書、畫均仿米芾,兼得家法,時呼小米。本幅行書五言絕句:「自有人知處,那無步往蹤。莫教安四壁,面面看芙蓉。」款署米漢雯。追法米芾,逸邁奇倔之風韻。&*Mi Han-wen (style name Tz'u-tung and sobriquet Hsiu-yen) was a native of Wan-p'ing (modern Peking). The grandson of Mi Wan-chung, he attained the chin-shih civil service degree in 1661. Mi liked to study and was an able poet. In both calligraphy and painting he followed Mi Fu, all the same continuing to work in his family's style. His contemporaries thus called him "Little Mi." These four lines of five characters, written in running script associated with the untramelled and eccentric style of Mi Fu (1052-1107), allude to busy household of a learned man frequented by visitors: Places where the learned live, They always show traces of visitors' footsteps. How could silence prevail in their four walls, Where hibiscus are seen everywhere?