故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁185&* 黃增,生於雍正二年(一七二四),字方川,號筠谷,江蘇長洲人,擅長山水,人物畫,乾隆三十三年(一七六八),被召進京,任職內廷當供奉,受命臨摹宮中古畫,深得高宗賞識,三十七年,告老請假歸返故鄉。 人物冊四,畫漁樵耕讀故事,款印見於最後一開。此次選展三開。同時展出黃增於乾隆卅三年受召進京之宮中檔奏摺。 &*Album of Figure Representations Huang Tseng Ch’ing dynasty Huang Tseng, tzu (style name) Fang-chuan, hao (sobriquet) Yün-ku, a native of Ch’ang-chou in Chiang-su province, was born in 1724. He excelled in figure painting and landscape. In 1768 he was summoned to the court and ordered to copy old paintings in the Imperial Collection. His copies won the appreciation of the Ch’ien-lung emperor. Huang Tseng retired and returned to his home town in 1772. This album contains four leaves depicting the lives of fishermen, wood-cutters, farmers and scholars. The inscriptions and the seals appear only on the last leaf. Three leaves are being shown along with the palace memorial reporting huang’s answer to the summon in 1768.