故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁162-163&*冷枚,字吉臣,山東膠州人,生卒未詳。師焦秉貞,得其眞傳。康熙年間,供奉內廷,善畫人物,尤精仕女。其作品見於康熙四十二年(一七0三)至五十七年(一七一八)間。 畫馬八幅,選展其中四幅,依秩序為嚙草、理毛、奔馳、擦癢,悉得馬動息之情態。筆墨工整潔淨。畫成於康熙戊戌(西元一七一八年)。 &* Leng Mei, style name Chi-ch’en, was a native of Chiao-chou, Shantung Province. It is known that he was a faithful student of Chiao Pin-chen and that he was summoned to court during the reign of the K’ang-hsi Emperor. He was a skilled painter of human figures, especially of beautiful women. From an album containing eight leaves, four are exhibited here. Completed in 1718, the album depicts horses in various poses: grazing, rolling, lyingdown, exercising, standing, being groomed, and scratching. The brushwork is neat and the painting is meticulous. &* 冷枚,字吉臣,山東膠州人,生卒未詳。師承曾任職於欽天監的焦秉貞,康熙中期入宮供職,擅長於中國題材中運用西洋的陰影及透視畫法。 畫成於康熙戊戍(西元一七一八年),本件作品共八幅,選展七開,畫中馬匹或翻滾、或嚙草、或理毛、或休憩、或擦養等,集合傳統馬畫中的姿態,力求表現馬匹動息之情態。可以與同時清宮盛行的貢馬紀實畫作比較。 &* The dates for Leng Mei, a native of Chiao-chou in Shantung, are unknown. He once studied under Chiao Ping-chen in the Directorate of Astronomy. In the K’ang-hsi reign (1662-1722), he entered court service, excelling at Western methods of shading and perspective using Chinese materials. This work, done in 1718,consists of eight paintings, of which seven are on display here. The horses are shown rolling, grazing, grooming, resting, or scratching-representing a collection of traditional horse painting poses with every effort made to illustrate their various activities. This can be compared to the documentary style of painting horses as tribute done at the same time in the Ch’ing court. &*1.林柏亭、張華芝,〈清冷枚畫馬〉,收入林柏亭、張華芝編,《畫馬名品特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1990年元月初版),頁98-99。