故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁168&* 這件作品,作者不明,沒有題記或其他文字,畫上僅有宣統時期的印記。共十六開。以瑰麗的顏色描繪各種奇形怪狀的海中生物,有些似有根據,有些似為想像,需要進一步研究。木板封面上刻有「戊辰年」,究竟是指乾隆十三年(西元一七四八年),還是嘉慶十三年(西元一八0八年),還是同治七年(西元一八六八年),也需要更多的比對研究。&* The artist(s) of this work is unknown. There are no inscriptions or other textual written on it. Only a record seal of the reign of the Hsüan-t’ung Emperor (r. 1908-1911) appears. Composed altogether of 16 leaves, a rainbow of colors was used to paint various kinds of unusual and exotic sea life. Some of them appear to be based on actual species found in nature, while others look as if they are imaginative constructions that require further research. The wooden cover of the album is engraved with the characters for the “wu-ch’en” cyclical year. Recurring every 60 years, the possible years include 1748,1808, and 1868. Further research, however, is required to date this work more precisely.