故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁162&* 偉元,姓氏生卒年鄉里均待考。 布袋和尚僧名契此,是唐末高僧,形裁腲肥,常以杖荷布袋入市廛化物,故人稱之為布袋和尚,本幅畫布袋和尚立於古樹下,袒腹露胸,舉手伸欠,布袋與荷杖置於其後。通幅以指作畫,點劃草草,而人物情態畢具。 本幅為「藝林清賞」第十一開。 &*The Monk Pu-tai Wei Yüan (act. 19th cent.) Ch’ing Dynasty There is very little known about the biography of Wei Yüan, though he is believed to be an artist of the 19th century. This painting is a depiction of Monk Pu-tai, a monk originally named Ch’i-tzu who lived during the late T’ang dynasty. A rather stout figure, he often travelled to the city carrying a cloth bag on a pole to beg to beg for alms. People therefore called him Monk Pu-tai (Monk Carrying a Cloth Bag). In this painting, Monk Pu-tai is standing under an old tree. Both his chest and stomach are exposed, and he has raised his hand slightly. His staff and cloth bag are behink him. Wei Yüan painted the entire work with his fingers. The style is rather free and cursory, but Wei Yüan has completely captured the expressive quality of the figure. This painting is the eleventh leaf in the album Yi-lin ch’ing-shang.