故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁153&* 黃鉞(公元一七五○至一八四一),字左田,一字左君。湖北當塗縣人,乾隆五十五年進士。善畫山水與花卉。 這一套冊子,畫的是京畿附近,民間新正風俗,一共十二景。 &*The Beauty of Spring at the Capital Huang Yüeh Ching dynasty Huang Yüeh (1750-1841) was a native of Tang-t’u in Hupei. His style names were Tso-t’ien and Tso-chün, and he obtained the chin-shih degree in 1790. He was a landscape painter, though his figure and flower paintings are also highly refined. This work contains twelve scenes of popular activities and customs outside the capital at New Year. &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十七冊,頁120-125