故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁159&* 葉舟,字飄仙,號雪漁,生卒年不詳,為明末高士,江蘇松江人,善於畫花卉,為人有氣節,甲申年(公元一六四四),明朝亡國後,於是,出家剃髮當和尚,每天惟有以畫佛像渡日。 他的畫,從作品看,用筆勁挺流暢,筆觸方稜峭利,給人有如鋼絲鐵條的印象,墨色富於變化,因此畫中物景,都有種體質堅硬,氣氛冷寂的感覺。 &* Yeh Chou (tzu P’iao-hsien, hao Hsüeh-yü) was a scholar of the late Ming Dynasty from Sung-chiang in Kiangsu. He excelled in the painting of flowers and displayed to others his strong and resolute temperament. In 1644, he shaved his head and became a Buddhist priest, each day from then on only dedicating his talents to the painting of Buddhist subjects. As we can see from his works, Yeh Chou’s brushstrokes are powerful and fluid, and the same time angular and hard, giving the viewer the impression of supreme strength. The ink tones are rich in modulation and variation, thus the subject matter of his painting, solid and hard in appearance, projects a noticeable chill to the viewer.