故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁159&* 周裕度,江蘇華亭人,字公遠,生卒年均不詳,祖父周思兼為嘉靖年間有名山水畫家,到他則以擅長花鳥畫出名。 他的畫,明顯地,受白陽山人陳道復的影響很大,而且使筆用墨,都能得其神形彷彿。本冊頁畫梅,勾枝點瓣全用水墨點漬寫成,却能達到「墨分五彩」,令人有如「見其色」、「聞其香」的效果,使人讚賞不已。 &* Chou Yu-tu (tzu Kung-yuan) came from Hua-t’ing in Kiangsu. The dates of his life are not known, but he was the son of Chou Szu-chien,a famous landscape painter active during the Chia-ching period (1522-1566). Chou Yu-tu specialized in painting flowers and birds, which show a strong influence of Ch’en Tao-fu in the handling of brush and ink as well as in the feeling conveyed by the paintings. The plum blossoms represented in this album leaf are executed in monochrome ink, with the branches outlined and the petals indicated with dots of ink. The painting is so skilfully executed that the ink takes on the feeling of colors, and the viewer feels that he can see the colors and smell the fragrance of the blossoms.