石渠寶笈初編(乾清宮),上冊,頁362。&*故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁135。&*董其昌(1555-1636),字玄宰,號華亭,江蘇松江(今上海)人。政事之餘雅好書畫,所作行草書從二王得法,參取唐李邕的體勢,韻致瀟灑動人。《栖真志》為明末夏樹芳所編,輯錄先秦至元代修道諸人事蹟,為清修隱者的言行留下些許痕跡。董氏錄寫其中數則,包括謝玄卿、張志和、許宣平、田游巖、許棲巖等人,草草寫來不計工拙,氣息清雅誠如董氏自評:「吾書因生得秀色。」(20110913)&*Dong Qichang (style name Xuanzai, sobriquet Huating) was a native of Songjiang in Jiangsu (modern Shanghai). In spare time from his official duties, he delved into painting and calligraphy, his running and cursive scripts following those of the Two Wangs. Dong also mixed in the force of Li Yong’s manner from the Tang dynasty to create an elegant yet moving style. Qizhen Gazetteer, edited by Xia Shufang in the late Ming, is a compilation of events surrounding cultivated figures from the Pre-Qin period to the Yuan dynasty, recording many traces of the words and deeds of pure and cultivated recluses. The several entries written by Dong Qichang include biographies for Xie Xuanqing, Zhang Zhihe, Xu Xuanping, Tian Youyan, and Xu Qiyan. Done very cursively without regard for accuracy, it has a pure and elegant manner that reflects exactly Dong’s own words: “My calligraphy achieves elegant tones because it is alive.” (20110913)