大風堂遺贈名跡特展圖錄,頁8-12,79-81&*董源(約西元十世紀初)是南唐時的山水畫名家,擅長以江南風景為畫題,牛、虎、龍、水也都畫得很好。這幅畫據張大千先生的考證,訂為董源的作品。史載董源「水墨類王維,著色如李思訓」,北宋時,也是以青綠得名,且山石作披麻皴,都是董源風格的特徵。畫中綠波粼粼青山高,酒帘靜處馬蹄輕,一片春意駘蕩。本幅為張大千先生遺贈。&*Tung Yüan, a famous Southern T'ang landscape painter, excelled at painting Kiangnan scenery of the south as well as oxen, tigers, dragons, and water. This is a work by Tung Yüan , according to the famous artist-connoisseur Chang Dai-chien. Art historical records mention Tung's "ink monochrome painting as like Wang Wei's and his color works like Li Ssu-hsün's". In the Northern Sung, Tung's blue-and-green manner was renowned along with his mountains in hemp-fiber texture strokes. Both were features of his style. Here, bluish-green mountains stand over ripples of green water. A tavern is tucked away at the right as travelers quietly approach on the foreground path in this lush spring scene. This work was bequeathed by Chang Dai-chien.&*1.王耀庭,〈五代南唐董源江隄晚景〉,收入王耀庭編,《青綠山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1995年七月初版一刷),頁77。 2.編者,〈江隄晚景〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第4期(1983年7月),頁1。 3.王耀庭,〈江隄晚景圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第4期(1983年7月),頁13-24。 4.王靜靈,〈幻影或實像 — 傳董源〈江隄晚景圖〉在張大千畫業的位置〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第303期(2008年6月),頁114-127。