石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2188&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁12&*張照(一六九一∼一七四五)江蘇婁縣人,號晴嵐、得天居士,是康熙四十八年的進士,並在康熙五十四年入直南書房。張照歷康雍乾三朝,乾隆元年曾一度因苗疆事務而遭奪職下獄,數個月後獲赦。張照書風近承董其昌,上溯米芾,乾隆帝曾讚譽張照更過董米,是「寓端莊於流麗者」。本作品原為對聯,後經重裝合為一軸,此書聯文句原為養心殿隨安室書聯,是乾隆帝自作文句。(20100102)&* Zhang Zhao (sobriquets Qinglan, Detian jushi) was a native of Lüxian, Jiangsu. A Presented Scholar of 1709, 6 years later he served in the Southern Study of the Kangxi Emperor. In fact, Zhang served the Yongzheng, Kangxi, and Qianlong Emperors. In Qianlong’s first year (1736), he was imprisoned after failing to quell the Miao rebellion but released a few months later. Zhang’s calligraphy was similar to that of Dong Qichang and traces back to Mi Fu. The Qianlong Emperor actually praised Zhang’s calligraphy as superior to that of Dong or Mi for “flowing within solemnity.” This was originally a couplet but later remounted as a single work. The couplet had been composed by the Qianlong Emperor and transcribed for the Sui’an Studio of his Yangxin Palace.(20100102)