故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁140&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁264-271&*《尚書》〈說命〉記載,商王武丁為政沉默寡言,睡夢中夢到上天賜與賢良之士輔佐,並代他向群臣講述政教之道。因將夢中人形象畫出來,在民間尋找,後來在傅巖尋訪到與夢中人肖似的說,立為相, 輔佐政教。圖中武丁與說拱手互揖,牆外侍衛閒坐在地上打磕睡,似是象徵太平無事的樣子。&*The record “Fate of Yüeh” in the Book of Documents relates how the Shang King Wu-ting was a man of few words in his rule. In his sleep, he dreamt that the heavens presented him with a fine and virtuous man to assist him and who could narrate the way of rule and government to his officials. After awakening, he had the image of the man painted, and he was searched for among the commoners. Finally, someone was found by the name of Yüeh in Fu-yen who looked like the man in his dreams. He was appointed Minister, and he assisted in government. In this work, Wu-ting and Yüeh bow to each other with guards outside sitting as they doze off, as if symbolizing that all is well in the land.