故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁156&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十七冊,頁290-293&*沈振麟。字鳳池(一作鳳墀),吳縣(今江蘇蘇州)人。生死時年不詳,咸豐年間(約當公元一八五一年前後),供奉內廷畫院,擅長人物寫照,又兼工花鳥寫生、山水等,畫名甚高,慈禧太后曾經頒賜親筆手書「傳神妙手」扁額。 他的畫的特點,是著色非常穠厚,力求模仿自然,以表現對像的眞實感,因此,在行象上雖有妙肖的功能,但在筆墨上,却失去生動蘊藉,耐人尋味的趣致。 &*Shen Chen-lin (tzu Feng-ch’ih) was from Suchou, Kiangsu. The details of his life are not known, but it is certain he was active around 1851. A court painter, Shen Chen-lin was skilled in painting figures and also very realistic birds, flowers, and landscapes. It was through his painting that he achieved a wide reputation. The empress Tzu-hsi t’ai-hou inscribed a tablet for him with the words “ a miraculous hand transmitting the spirit.” One outstanding characteristic of his painting is the richness of color; another is the effort to imitate nature, resulting in a feeling of reality. As a result, although in terms of form he exhibits marvelous skill, the ink has lost life-like refinement, a quality relished by the viewer.