石渠寶笈三編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁654-656&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁158&* 潘是稷(活動於十八世紀中),字南田,號 墨癡,又號劍門山人。初慕惲壽平,後盡 棄脂粉,專求筆墨,斟酌古今,自成一家。 以張若靄之薦奉敕作本冊,成為院藏其唯 一作品。《二十四詩品》是唐代詩人司空 圖作,為論詩的專著。內將詩歌的藝術風 格和意境、韻味分成二十四種品類。右幅 潘是稷或水墨或設色畫每一則詩品,對幅 嵇璜楷書分錄詩品各一則。每則詩品 ,由二字品目和一首十二句四言詩組成。(20100104)&* Pan Shiji (style name Nantian; sobriquets Mochi, Jianmen shanren) was an admirer of Yun Shouping but later abandoned pastel colors to focus on brush and ink, deliberating between modern and ancient for his own style. Recommended by Zhang Ruoai, he received imperial orders to do this album, his only work in the Museum collection. The 24 Kinds of Poetry by Sikong Tu of the Tang dynasty discuss poetic modes. In it, the artistic style, concept, and manner of poetry and songs are divided into 24 types. The right leaves here are Pan’s illustrations of poems in monochrome ink or ink and colors, while opposing leaves contain poetry calligraphed in regular script by Ji Huang. Each work has a two-character title with a 4-character poem in 12 lines.(20100104)&*1.張華芝,〈院藏巨幅畫冊 — 墨妙珠林(下)〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第317期(2009年8月),頁110-121。