故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165 &*文徵明(1470-1559),江蘇長洲人。擅詩文書畫,畫師沈周。 本幅選自〈明諸臣書畫扇面〉,採灑金箋扇面作畫,披麻皴坡石上生幽蘭一叢,以書法線條描繪蘭葉,俯仰自然,運筆流暢有力,交錯卻互不重疊。畫中添加竹篁幾株,構圖密而不塞,虛實相生,筆墨或濃或淡,饒具變化,呈現清逸高雅文人氣息。雖無年份,但與其嘉靖二十三年(1544)〈畫蘭竹軸〉相似,是七十多歲時所作。二者名列四君子,蘭亦「歲寒三友」之一。「竹」諧音「祝」,有祝賀之意。(20110102)&*Wen Zhengming, a native of Changzhou in Jiangsu, excelled at poetry, painting, and calligraphy. In painting, he studied under Shen Zhou (1427-1509), the two of them becoming influential leaders in painting during the middle and late Ming dynasty. This work from "Painting and Calligraphy on Fans by Ming Officials" was originally done a folding fan of paper sprinkled with gold. "Hemp-fiber" texture strokes render a clump of serene orchids growing on a slope. The calligraphic lines were freely executed to depict the orchid leaves as they undulate naturally. The brush moved fluently yet with vigor, crisscrossing but not overlapping. Several stalks of bamboo were also added to the painting, making the composition dense but not overcrowded as both solid and void appear in harmony. The brushwork is both light and dark in places, adding to the variation and revealing a literati taste for pure untrammeledness and lofty elegance. Although undated, this work is similar to Wen Zhengming's "Orchids and Bamboo" hanging scroll painting from 1544, suggesting it was done sometime after his seventieth birthday. The two plants here are among the "Four Gentlemen," the bamboo also one of the "Three Friends of Winter" and a homophone in Chinese for "blessing." Hence, it is used in the expression, "Bamboo announcing safe and sound." (20110102)&*文徴明(1470-1559)、江蘇長洲の人。詩文、書画ともに優れ、沈周に師事した。 本作は『明諸臣書画扇面冊』に収録されている。灑金箋(つやがあり水を吸わない紙に金箔などを置いたもの)の扇面に絵が描いてある。披麻皴(樹木や岩石の質感や紋様を表す画法)で描かれた岩石に生い茂る一叢の蘭、その葉は書法の線で描かれ、上下に広がる葉がごく自然に表現されている。流れるような運筆は力強く、重なることなく交錯している。蘭に添えるように描かれた数株の竹を見ると、緊密な構図でありながらも閉塞感はなく、虚実入り混じる中、墨の濃淡も変化に富んでおり、清廉高雅な文人気質が感じられる。作画年代の記載はないが、嘉靖23年(1544)の作「画蘭竹軸」に似ている。これは70歳頃の作品である。蘭と竹は四君子(梅、蘭、竹、菊を指す)に列せられており、蘭は「歳寒三友」(松、竹、梅を指す)の一つでもある。「竹」と「祝」は同音で、祝賀の意味が込められている。 (20110102)&*1.〈明 文徵明 蘭竹〉,收入譚怡令、劉芳如、林莉娜主編,《滿庭芳 歷代花卉名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),頁218。