故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁162&* 瑛寶(西元十八世紀後葉-十九世紀),滿洲正白旗人。姓拜都氏,字夢禪,號閒菴。曾官筆帖式,然年三十即因足疾致仕,歸後純賴詩歌與丹青、篆刻自娛,最長於指畫,作品以簡貴勝,幷嘗自許為高其佩(清中葉指畫大家)後第一人。本幅屬折扇式,畫池塘一角,秋荷敗葉相傍而生;通幅布局、墨彩俱極簡淡。上幅另有劉墉於癸酉(一七五三)及丙子(一七五六)年之詩作二首。瑛寶與墉素為文字交,畫風亦頗相類,此作堪為之證。 本幅為「藝林清賞」冊第八開 &* Ying Pao, surnamed Pai-tu, was a Manchu who belonged to the Plain White Banner group. His style name was Meng-ch’an, and his sobriquet was Hsien-an. He once served in the Clerks’ Office. When he was thirty, he retired from officialdom because of an illness affecting his feet. He occupied himself entirely with composing poetry, singing, painting, and carving seals, but he was most skilled in finger painting. Because of the simplicity of his works, he gained great fame. He also claimed that he was the first finger-painter after Kao Ch’i-p’ei, a great finger-painter of the middle Ch’ing dynasty. Painted on the format of a folding fan, this work is a depiction of a pond in one corner with withering autumn lotuses and leaves. Light ink and colors were used throughout the painting. On the upper portion there are two poems by Liu T’ang written in 1753 and 1756. Both Ying Pao and Liu T’ang were literary friends, and their styles were similar, as demonstrated in this work. This painting is the eighth leaf in the album Yi-lin ch’ing-shang.