故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁59&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁225-226&*陳容,字公儲,號所翁。閩畫記作福建長樂人,金谿縣志作臨川人。南宋理宗端平二年(西元一二三五)進士,官至莆田太守。善畫龍,潑墨成雲,噀水成霧,極得變化之意。常於醉餘,脫巾濡墨,信手塗抹,然後以筆完成。所畫之龍,或全身,或一臂一首,隱約而不可名狀,若不經意而皆能得其神妙。宋理宗寶祐年間,畫龍名重一時。&*Ch'en Jung, a native of Fukien province, received his chin-shih degree in 1235 and went on to serve as Prefect of P'u-t'ien. He excelled at painting dragons, using splashed ink to create clouds and sprayed water for the effect of mist, creating a variety of imaginative and evocative forms. It is said that after getting drunk, he would take off his cap and moisten it in ink to create a composition, finishing it with his brush. He either painted dragons as a whole or only in part, suggesting them as hidden in mist, rain and clouds. Intended or not, the effect was equally marvelous. He was famed for paintings of dragons during the Pao-yu era (1253-1258) of Emperor Li-tsung.