故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁154 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十五冊,頁304-307&* 程志道,字又川,乾隆時(約當公元一七三六年前後),江蘇吳縣人。供職當時畫院,擅長山水畫,曾與陳枚、金昆、戴洪、孫祐等人合繪清明上河圖,有名於時。畫史記載他的畫法出自婁東王原祁一派。事實上,受王翬的影響也很深。作品特色,是用筆精細,山石皴紋繁密而肌理清晰,著色鮮麗明淨,構圖複雜,峰、樹木、房舍、橋樑、道路安置,都能層次分明,千山萬水,如在眼前,令人油然而興旅遊之思。&*Plum Scene Ch’an Chih-tao Ch’ing Dynasty Ch’en Chih-tao (tzu You-ch’uan) was active around 1936. A native of Wuhsien, Kiangsu, he served as an official and also as an Academy painter. He was well known during his own time as a landscapist and cooperated with other Ch’ing artists to execute the “City of Cathay” handscroll. Some texts claim he belongs to the same school as Wang Yüan-ch’i, but in actuality Wang Hui had very deep influence on him. His works are most distinctive and his use of the brush is very precise and meticulous. The ts’un strokes of mountains and rocks are very dense and tightly arranged; the application of color is particularly lovely. Within such a complex composition, the rows of mountain peaks, the trees, the pavilion, the bridge and the paths are all laid out precisely; the myriad peaks and streams appear as if directly before the viewer’s eyes, inticing one to actually roam in the landscape before him.