故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁139&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁162-165&*本冊畫設色花鳥,後副葉有明武宗正德三年(西元一五0九年)張世通跋文,指出:「國初邊景昭有八節長春之景,當時御筆亦多仿其意,於令節賜大臣。」以宣宗畫花鳥多仿供事內殿的福建籍花鳥名家邊文進筆意,邊文進的花鳥畫曾被譽為「禁中三絕」之一,雖然本冊花鳥顯得較為僵直板滯,不如宣宗真跡的鮮活靈動,但將宣宗畫作與花鳥名家相提並論,可見當時對宣宗畫藝的推崇。(20120407)&* This album of bird-and-flower subjects in color also features a colophon by Zhang Shitong on the endleaf dated to 1509. It states, “Early in the dynasty, Bian Jingzhao (Wenjin) painted scenery on the Eight Periods of Everlasting Spring. Then the emperor did many imitations and presented them to high officials at festivals.” Most bird-and-flower paintings by Xuanzong were in the style of the famous Fujian court artist Bian Wenjin, whose bird-and-flower subjects were praised as the “Three Perfections of the Inner Court.” Although the motifs here appear relatively stiff compared to the brisk, animated manner of Xuanzong’s authentic examples, comparison with bird-and-flower works of masters reveals praise at the time for Xuanzong’s painting.(20120407)