石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁736&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁75&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十三冊,頁260-263&* 陸遠,字清寰,浙江湖洲人,一作松江(今上海)人。作山水及設色花鳥,俱效法陸治。另一位字靜治,善山水,活動於康熙朝。 本幅畫郊野人家,水陸交錯,樹已發新芽,梅已放清香,鄉道上,架着板橋主僕相隨,正步上拜訪的人家,屋中主人與客相談。遠處烟雲瀰漫中,顯示一片遼闊的境界。本幅畫法工整,細緻中流露著春天的明媚氣息。 &* A stream winds through the meadow to this country villa, where budding trees stand among the already-blossoming bragrant plums. Crossing the bridge are a master and his servant who have come visiting; in the villa the host is chatting with his guests. The painting stretches off into the hazy distance. Executed in careful detail, the painting exudes the radiant air of spring. There were two painters named Lu Yüan. One, who had the style name Ch’ing-huan, modeled his style on Lu Chih’s and excelled at landscapes and flower-and-bird paintings. Another, who had the style name Ching-chih, was active during the K’ang-hsi era (1662-1722); he also was noted for his landscapes. It is not known which Lu Yüan painted this work.