石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第六冊,頁2783&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁71&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁269-270&*易經上一月是泰卦,泰卦的卦象是「三三三」,「三」是乾(三陽)代表天,「三三」是坤(三陰),代表地。乾在下坤在上,乾坤交泰是一種好的象徵,顯示天地間的萬物都有生意,在一年的開始能平安通泰,那麼整年就能順利如意。因「羊」與「陽」諧音,所以這幅畫描繪牧童拿小紅果,逗著三隻羊,作為三陽開泰的吉祥表徵。&*The name of the first chapter of the I-ching (the Book-of-Changes) is "T’ai-kua" or the Diagram of Prosperity; its symbol is 三三三. The three solid lines are called "san-yang" and represent Heaven, while the three broken lines are "san-yin" and represent Earth. The diagram combining Earth above and Heaven below is a propitious symbol foretelling that all the myriad beings between Heaven and Earth will prosper. When this symbol appears in divination at the New Year, it brings peace, prosperity, and success for the coming year. Because the word for the symbol of Heaven has the same pronounciation as the work for sheep (yang), three sheep (san-yang) are offen used as a rebus for the I-ching san-yang symbol. Therefore, the shepherd holding holly berries and playing with three fat sheep in this painting really represents the good men of the "san-yang t'ai-kua" divination.