石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁445-473 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁178-214&*故宮歷代法書全集,第十三冊,頁64-107、181-190&*1.〈宋張即之上問尊堂太安人尺牘〉,收入劉芳如主編,《書畫裝池之美》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版一刷),頁112。 &*張即之〈西元1186-1263年〉,安徽和縣人。字溫夫,一字樗寮。享年擘窠大字,當時金仁亦愛重之,其影響甚遠播日本。 此幀為上問尊堂太安人尺牘,筆墨酣暢,老筆勁健,頗具米南宮之氣息。不失為南宋末期,最負盛名大書家之墨蹟。本幅為「宋人法書」第四冊第十七開。&*Chang Chi-chih(style names Wen-fu, Ning-liao)was a native pf Hohsien, Anhwei. In his career as an official, he reached the position of Executive Assistant in the Court of Agricultural Supervision, yet it was for his ability in calligraphy that he achieved fame all over the country. He was fond of writing gigantic characters. Chang Chi-chih was admired by his contemporaries in the north under the Kin dynasty(1115-1239), and the influence of his calligraphy extended as far away as Japan. This piece of calligraphy is a letter inquiring of a higher official's mother. The style of this work is exhilarating as Chang Chi-chih forcefully wielded an old brush in an upright manner much in the spirit of Mi Fu's(1051-1107)style. This is a true masterpiece of the most renowned master of calligraphy in the late Southern Sung period(1127-1279)