石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2254 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁128&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁129-130&* 楊大章,乾隆時供奉內廷。根據御製詩及「御製額摩鳥記」得知,乾隆認為此鳥最早由荷蘭人於西元一五八七年得之於某海島,後有人於印度購之送給佛朗機亞(今葡萄牙)國王,國王並命工詳圖其狀。關於此珍禽有種種不實傳說,乾隆於三十九年(西元一七七四年)由番舶得之,一一驗證駁斥,並於同年要求畫家補繪入現在同時展出的「鳥譜」中。這種鳥可能是產於澳洲及新幾內亞島附近的食火雞。&* Yang Ta-chang, dates unknown, served the Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795) court. The Ch’ien-lung Emperor, from his poetry and “Imperial Record on the Cassowary”, wrote that this bird was not native to the West. He noted its origins there began in 1587, when the Dutch captured it on an island. Then it was purchased in India and presented to the king of what is now Portugal, ordering that detailed illustrations be done. Apocryphal stories about the bird abounded. After the Emperor acquired one from a foreign ship in 1774, he refuted and re-examined them. In that year, painters were requested to add it to “Manual of Birds”, also on display here. It perhaps is a kind of cassowary (casuaris) bird indigenous to the Australia or New Guinea area.&*1.賴毓芝,〈從印尼到歐洲與清宮 — 談院藏楊大章額摩鳥圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第297期(2007年12月),頁24-37。