石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2396&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁115&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁293-294&* Ch’ien Hsü’s birth and death dates are unkknown, and very little is known about his life. His style name was Tung-pai, and he was a native of Hangchow, Chekiang. He was good at landscapes and figures. This painting, in ink on gold-speckled paper, consists in a pillar of stone rising up out of rapids. Mist, swirling around the waist of the pillar, coalesce with the glistening light of the waves. The texture strokes in the rocks are done with a centered tip brush. The beginnings of these strokes form a “nail head”, skipping laterally to the left or right. The artist uses dark ink for the moss dots, whereas the designs in the clouds and water are outlined in light ink. Although the composition is simple, this painting richly displays the charm of varying shades of ink and techniques of brushwork. &* 錢旭,生卒不詳,畫史載其生平資料甚簡,字東白,浙江杭州人,工畫山水、人物。 此幅為冷金箋本,水墨畫嶙峋石柱,聳出於洪濤間,雲氣環繞著山腰,與波光相縹緲。皴石用中鋒,起筆成釘頭狀向左右橫趯,並用濃墨點苔,雲及水紋則用淡墨勾勒,構景雖簡,然頗富筆墨趣味。