故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁129&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁115-116&* 謝遂,生卒年里不詳,乾隆年間,供奉內廷,工畫人物。 松坪迴溪,一群蒼髮老者至此文會。在童僕的照應下,或品茶、或展讀、或研墨揮筆,展現出雅集樂事。畫家用筆精謹,對人物刻劃尤為獨到。不僅衣描勁挺順暢。對耆耉臉上皺紋的掌握,亦是栩栩如生,和靄可親。在松、竹、柏樹的襯托下,亦象徵耄耋的老當益壯。 &* Very little is known about the painter Hsieh Sui. He served as a palace attendant during the reign of the Ch’ien-lung Emperor (1736-1796). He specialized in figure paintings. A group of elderly men enjoy a literary gathering in a pine glade beside a stream. The attentiveness of the young servant, the tea utensils, reading materials, brushes and inkstones all indicate the elegance of this pleasant outing. The painter used meticulous brushstrokes to depict the individual expressions of these old men. Not only are the clothing folds represented with fluid strength, but the wrinkles on the elderly faces are also quite lifelike. The cedar trees are similarly symbolic of venerable age and strength, and complement the aging figures.