故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁124&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁257-258&* Chin T’ing-piao was a native of Wu-ch’eng (Hu-chou, Chekiang). He was a particularly fine figure painter and very skilled at sketching from life, sometimes employing chiaroscuro effects. He also painted in pai-miao ink-outline mode and architectural paintings. In 1760 Chin T’ing-piao presented an album of Lohan paintings to Emperor Ch’ien-lung during the imperial southern inspection tour, and he was then called to paint at the court. Two layers of distant mountains are half-hidden in mists. Willows grow on a foreground slope. Five children meet an adult on a path, an acquaintance judging by their salutations. The children seem to have been playing. Though momentarily at rest, glancing at the visitor, their eyes still betray joy and excitement. &* 金廷標,字士揆,烏程(今浙江湖州)人。工寫眞,並能繪人物士女及花卉。善取影,白描尤工。亦能界畫。清高宗二十五年(西元一七六○年)南巡時,金廷標進白描羅漢冊,稱旨。命入內廷供奉。 本幅繪山水人物。遠山二重半藏於嵐霧中,近景坡堤邊柳樹成林,層次分明。郊道上,五童子與一成人期遇,為首童子與之拱手招呼,應為舊識。諸童似原在嬉戲中,雖彼時皆佇足睇視來者,面目猶現歡躍神情。