故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁114&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁289-290&*董誥(西元一七四○-一八一八年),浙江富陽人,字西京,號蔗林,一號柘林。邦達子,官大學士。山水稟承家學,雅秀絕塵,晚宗宋、元,有大、小董之稱。 牡丹花為花中之王,時人多喜取其富貴吉祥之意。董誥已沒骨畫法表現牡丹之富麗,特別能形容花葉色彩之雅艷,筆縱之秀潤。 &* The peony, the “king of flowers,” symbolizes wealth and auspiciousness. Tung Kao has used the unoutlined, or “boneless,” method of painting to depict the flower’s exquisite beauty and to capture the play of shadows across the foliage. Tung Kao (style name His-ching; sobriquet Che-lin), or Tung the Younger, was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. Son of the painter Tung Pang-ta, or Tung the Elder, he rose to the position of Grand Secretery in the Ch’ing government. In his landscapes he continued his father’s style—refined and elegant, devoid of any trace of the mundane or the ordinary. Later in life he studied the art of the Sung and Yüan masters. &*1.〈清董誥畫寶檻天香〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《牡丹名畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年四月初版),頁48-49。