石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2139&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁47&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十冊,頁237-240&*弘旿,乾隆時人,作品見於一七五一-一七九二年間。為滿清宗室,字恕齋,又字醉迂,號一如居士,封固山貝子,善書畫。山水從王原祁入手,並得宋元名家三昧。 溪山普降瑞雪,一片銀白世界中,松竹之蒼翠,紅梅之明豔,為村舍帶來新春之意,呈現怡豐之象。 &* Hung Wu was a member of the Manchu imperial clan. His style names were Shu-chai and Tsui-yu; his sobriquet was I-ju chü-shih. His title of nobility was Beile Prince of Ku-shan. He excelled in both painting and calligraphy. In landscape he followed the style of Ch’ing master Wang Yüan-ch’i, but was also to penetrate the mysteries of the Sung and Yüan artists. This painting depicts mountains and streams after a snowfall, an expanse of silvery white. The brilliant green of the pines and bamboos, the bright red of the blossoming plum lend a glorious atmosphere of springtime to the villages. All around is a feeling of harmony and plenty.