石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2192&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁563&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁237-238&* 鄒一桂(西元一六八六-一七七二年),江蘇無錫人。字原褒,號小山,又號讓卿,晚號二知老人。雍正五年進士,歷官至禮部侍郎,加尚書銜。擅長花卉畫外,又精通畫理,著有小山畫譜。 他的花卉,原學惲壽平沒骨畫一派,但作品比較惲畫為工整精飾,這是因為多屬宮廷應制而畫,作畫態度,循規蹈矩,不敢稍意逾越,因此,用筆工細,著色穠艷,特別具有一種精美富麗的氣息。 &* Tsou I-kuei was style-named Yüan-pao; his sobriquets were Little Mountain, Jang-ch’ing, and in his later years, Old Man Erh-chih. He was a native of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu. In 1727 he received his chin-shih degree; he served as the Vice-President of the Ministry of Rites and was later given the honorary title of president. In addition to excelling at flower painting, he was well versed in the principles of painting and was the author of the Hsiao-shan hua-p’u, a book on painting theory. In flower painting he began by following the “boneless,” or unoutlined, method of the painter Yün Shou-p’ing, but Tsou’s works were neater and more embellished. This is because most were painted at the request of the emperor, and Tsou therefore had to observe all of the contemporary painting rules and regulations and did not dare overstep his position in even a small way. Thus he used the brush very precisely and applied color sumptuously such that his works have an air of lavish beauty.