石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2394&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁569&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁311-312&* 張成龍,字白雲,河南開封人,活動於晚明清初,善山水,好臨摹古畫,細密精工。兼工白描人物。 青綠設色。一人憑欄凝望,繞屋是紅葉青山,遠峰直凌宵漢。畫中山石林木,大都以顏色逕施於絹素,這種畫法,一般稱為沒骨山水,相傳出於唐代張僧繇。故款題倣張僧繇筆。 &*Landscape after Chang Seng-yau Chang Cheng-lung (fl. mid-17th century) Ch’ing Dynasty A man leaning against the paling gazes pensively into the distance. The building is surrounded by red trees and by green mountains that tower into the distance. The natural elements in this picture are rendered in the ‘boneless’ method of landscape painting in which color washes are directly applied to the silk without preliminary outlines. This painting derives its title from the fact that this method is said to have been developed by Chang Seng-yau of the T’ang dynasty. Chang Cheng-lung (style-name Pai-yüu) was from K’ai-feng, Honan. He excelled at landscapes and liked to make meticulously detailed copies of old paintings. He is also noted for his outline drawings of human figures.