石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁676&故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁101&故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁145-146& 班達里沙,康熙年間人。生平年里待考。 本幅使用朝鮮紙,經上礬後,以油彩繪成。畫法仿西洋繪技,是故宮藏品中較為罕見之作品。因年久畫面上泛起白色。 & Little is known about Pan-ta-li-sha’s life other than he lived during the reign of K’ang Hsi (1662-1722). Using heavy Korean paper sized with alum paste, the artist painted with oil pigments according to Western techniques. Due to the age and decomposition of the pigments, the painting is spotted in some areas with a thin film of white color. This work is one of only a few examples of oil paintings in the Palace Museum. &班達里沙為郎世寧來華後的弟子之一,雍正元年(1723)即有畫美人畫的記錄,當時已在宮廷作畫,經常有描繪通景畫、油畫的記錄。這件作品設色方式接近平塗,與中國傳統設色技巧略有區別,色澤的表現也與一般習見中國畫作不同,很能夠顯示班達里沙的不同繪畫背景。根據檔案資料,清宮當時亦有以油彩作畫的記錄,有時並非油畫畫布,而改以比較光滑、厚實的高麗紙為作畫材質。&The person known by the Chinese name Pan-ta-li-sha was a student of Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766) after his arrival in China in 1715. In the first year of the Yung-cheng reign (1723) is a record that Pan-ta-li-sha did a painting of a beautiful lady, indicating that he was already painting at the court by that time. There are also records of him doing multiple-panel paintings and even oil painting. The method of coloring in this work is similar to that of faceting, making it different from the techniques employed in traditional Chinese painting. The expression of hues also differs from that normally seen in Chinese painting, indicating that Pan-ta-li-sha most likely came from a different artistic background. Documentary materials include records that the Ch’ing court commissioned paintings done in oil colors. Sometimes canvas was not used for painting with oils, but shinier and thicker Korean paper instead.