石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第四冊,頁1861&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁128 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁145-146&* 嚴宏滋,字丕緒,江蘇江陰人。生卒年未詳,約活動於乾隆朝中期。善書画,尤精道釋人物。高宗兩次南巡,獻畫,均稱旨。 画採芝仙女,席地休憩,狀甚消遙閒適。開臉略受西洋陰影法影嚮,設色明淨,衣紋則以流利筆意寫之,於工謹中,亦饒雅逸之趣。 &*Picking the Fungus of Immortality Yen Hung-tzu (fl. C. 1750-1795 A.D.) Ch’ing dynasty A skilled calligrapher and painter, Yen Hung-tzu (tzu P’i-hsü) was noted particularly for his Taoist and Buddhist figure paintings. On two occasions Yen presented paintings to the Ch’ien-lung Emperor when the latter toured southern China and these paintings pleased the Emperor greatly. The painting represents a female picking the fungus of immortality. Seated on the ground, she has an air of remote tranquility. The use of shading in the face reflects influence from Western painting and the color is bright and pure. The coarse, fluent brushwork of the drapery folds contrasts sharply with the meticulously detailed brushwork of the face.