石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3180&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁107&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁23-24&* 董邦達(西元一六九九至一七六九年),浙江富陽人,字孚存,號東山。雍正癸丑(西元一七三三年)進士。乾隆時入內廷襄編石渠寶笈諸書,後仕至禮部尚書。 層疊溪山,構景幽邃。筆多用中鋒,以枯墨層層醒出,頗不能刪繁就簡。然結構謹嚴,蒼老中彌有清韻,固是董畫中佳者。 &*Tung Pang-ta (1699-1769) was a native of Fu-yang in Chekiang province, his style-name was Fu-ts’un and his sobriquet tung-shan. He took his chin-shih metropolitan doctorate exam in 1733 and was subsequently in the imperial employ, compiling such works as the catalogue of the imperial art collection. Later he rose to be Minister of the Board of Rites. This scene, with its massed mountains and spreading waters has a quality of distant stiliness. It has been painted mostly with a brush that keeps its point hidden within the stroke. – a technique also particularly important in Chinese calligraphy. The artsit here gradually accumulates strokes of very dry ink until the form suddenly coalesces, a method which allows no casual short cuts. The composition is impressive with an archaic severity, but nevertheless filled by a resonant clarity. These qualities make it one of the best of the many works by the artist in this museum.