石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁770&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁5&*王鐸(西元一五九二-一六五二年),字覺斯、覺之,號十樵、癡菴、癡僊道人。河南孟津人。明天啟二年進士,入清官至大學士,謚文安。博學好古,工詩文,長繪畫,善書法,行草宗二王,正書出鍾,亦能自出胸臆,名重當代,書法與董其昌齊名。 此幅草書為王鐸五十五歲作品,運筆變化豐富,筆力矯健,線條沉厚卻具靈動之姿,墨色濃烈,肆意酣暢,通幅佈局講究,展現磅礡氣勢。(20091015) &* Wang Duo was native to Mengjin, Henan. A Presented Scholar (jinshi) of 1622 in the Ming, he served the Qing as a Grand Academician, receiving the posthumous title Wen’an. Learned in antiquity, he was gifted at poetry and prose while excelling at painting and calligraphy, in which he studied the cursive style of the Two Wangs and the standard script of Zhong You. He also formed his own style and became renowned, his fame equaling that of Dong Qichang. This work of cursive script was done at the Chinese age of 55. The brush movement is varied and the brush strength vigorous, the lines heavy but spirited. Ink tones are dark and dramatic, flowing with great fluidity. The arrangement here is precise, exhibiting a majestic and imposing manner.(20091015)