緙絲特展圖錄,頁44-45、98-99&*國立故宮博物院緙絲,彩色圖版17-19&*本幅為祝壽之用,與另幅宋緙絲喜報生孫圖用材及刻織技術相同。經緯位置互換,即經線橫置,緯線縱向。刻織時,原粉本及織面當為橫置,織成後;織面直裱而成。其所用緯線材料,除背景、花朵、水泉及部份鳥羽為絲,餘皆以麻性纖維刻織而成,故能增強圖中石、坡、葉及樹幹各部份質量厚重之感覺,其中以左下方海棠葉及其花朵表現最具寫實效果。通幅設色柔和,紫薇花蕊部以筆設色。刻織無處不精,確為佳作。&*淺褐地設色織。土坡激流,旁植海棠、雁來紅、野菊。右岸靈芝雜生,紫薇盛開,雙鳥棲息在枝頭上。從花卉的名稱,皆具吉祥象徵,如海棠喻「滿堂富貴」,雁來紅有「老來嬌」、「老少年」之名。此幅所緯線材料別緻,除背景、花朵、泉水及部份的鳥羽以絲線織成外,餘皆用麻性纖維緙織而成,尤其將海棠葉粗糙的質感表現得寫實逼真,在用材和緙織技巧上與〈宋緙絲喜報生孫圖〉相似,應是當時流行的織法之一。 &*The colored threads woven against a light ochre background portray a slope with a stream, by which appear crabapple, amaranth, and wild chrysanthemum blossoms. Growing on the right bank are spirit fungi among the grasses. Crape myrtle is shown in full bloom as a pair of birds is perched in the branches. The names in Chinese of the flowers here are all auspicious. The crabapple, for example, is a metaphor for “halls of riches,” while the amaranth has the alternate name “beauty in age” and “everlasting youth.” The weft threads in this work are made of fine materials. Not only have the background, blossoms, waves, and some bird feathers been woven in silk threads, the rest are all composed of hemp-like fibers. The coarseness of the crabapple leaves is particularly realistic and true to life. In fact, the materials and techniques here are similar to those in “Joyously Announcing the Birth of a Grandson,” probably reflecting a popular weaving method at the time. &*1.童文娥,〈緙絲紫芝仙壽圖〉,收入童文娥主編,《緙絲風華 — 宋代緙絲花鳥展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版一刷),頁75。