石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2076&*國立故宮博物院緙絲,頁11&*緙絲特展圖錄,頁10-11、93&*沈子蕃,生卒年不詳。織隔岸山景,藉著近岸石磯上兩株高拔的樹木,連貫到對岸綿亙的山峰,白雲掩映其間,更覺深遠。岸邊繫一艘篷舟,士人橫躺在舟中,一派悠閒。 織工極精,運用不同色線表現物體的陰陽明暗,得青綠山水畫意。緙絲最難表現的是光影的變化,此幅卻能變化自如。人物的臉部、篷舟,及部分山、雲、樹幹、樹葉、石頭的輪廓,有墨筆鉤添。 &* Colored silk threads were woven here onto a base of light silk. An expanse of water separates the front and back. Of the 2 tall trees on the flat outcropping in front, one extends along the left almost to the back, where a peak rises above clouds with mountains behind. A scholar lies in the skiff moored below and another sits in the pavilion above. In the lower right is the woven seal of Shen Tzu-fan, the dates for whom are unknown. The weaving here is exceptionally fine. Colored threads suggest the colors of a painting for modeling, much like a blue-and-green landscape. Volume and light are most difficult to suggest in tapestry, but they are quite successfully done here. Details of this work were also brushed with ink. &*1.本社,〈宋沈子藩緙絲山水〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第34期(1986年1月),封底裡。 2.胡賽蘭,〈宋緙絲沈子蕃山水〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第200期(1999年11月),頁46。