故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁75-76&* Zhu Yunming (style name Xizhe; sobriquets Zhisheng, Zhizhi shanren, Zhishan) was a native of Changzhou (modern Suzhou). By the Chinese age of five he was said to be capable of writing large characters and by age nine could compose poetry, growing up to become famous in Suzhou for his classical writing. With his varied brushwork, he was able to work in a number of different script types in calligraphy. Zhu Yunming did this album in 1495 for his friend Zhu Kai (style name Yaomin) using the style of regular script practiced by the Tang dynasty master Yan Zhenqing. The brushwork is quite condensed and practiced, the characters upright and steady to make this a model for the study of regular script.&*祝允明(1460-1526),字希哲,號枝指生,或枝指山人、枝山,長洲(今蘇州)人。五歲能寫徑尺大字,九歲能詩,稍長以古文聞名於吳中。書法能作數家體,用筆結字皆富於變化。祝允明此冊書於弘治八年(1495),乃為好友朱凱(字堯民)所書,以顏真卿楷書風格書寫,用筆凝練有致,結體端正穩妥,可為楷書學習之範本。