故宮書畫錄(卷七),第四冊,頁36&本幅描繪宣宗騎馬出獵,奔馳於一片遼闊無垠的草原上。其臂上架鷹,前有群雁驚起於蘆葦間。 圖中宣宗身著飛魚服袍衫,大襟右衽,下長過膝。袍上有龍文繡於雙肩、背胸前後。帽上有頂珠,此乃沿元代帽式而來。其容貌、神情均與「明宣宗坐像」極為近似。此畫正呈現出宣宗精於騎射,對習武極為重視的史實。 &Emperor Hsüan-tsung on Horseback Anonymous Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) This painting is a depiction of Emperor Hsüan-tsung on horseback hunting. A falcon is perched on his arm as he gallops across an expansive plain. In front of him a flock of startled wild geese rise out of the reeds. Emperor Hsüan-tsung wears a robe embroidered with mythical fish-like creatures. The robe opens on the right and extends beyond his knees. Dragons are embroidered on the shoulders, the chest, and the back. His round-brim hat decorated with a bead is based upon Yüan dynasty hats. His facial features and expression bear close resemblance to his formal portrait. This depiction of Emperor Hsüan-tsung riding and hunting is a pictorial example of the importance placed on martial skills.