石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁433&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁63&* 吳彬,字文仲,福建莆田人,流寓金陵(今南京)。萬曆(西元一五七三至一六一九年)間,以書畫聞名於世。所繪人物,形狀奇特,不同於前人,自成一家。山水畫布置亦極新奇而不摹古。 本幅為歲華紀勝圖冊第九幅,乃描繪九九重陽登高之節慶活動。蒼崖翠磴,間以楓林,小橋流水村舍,點綴於山陬林隙,層崖之顚,小亭翼然,山中遊人聯袂褰裳,登高遐望,盡吟嘯之樂。 &*A Record of Yearly Obsevances Ascending the Heights Wu Pin (active 1573-1619) Ming Dynasty Wu Pin, style name Wen Chung, was a native of Pu-t’ien, Fukien, but he spent most of his life in Chin-ling (modern Nanking). He lived during the reign of the Wan-li emperor, and his skill at calligraphy and painting earned him fame and position. In figure painting, he departed from tradition and created strange and eccentric forms. His landscape compositions were equally unusual and innovative. This leaf is the ninth in the album “A Record of Yearly Observances.” It depicts the practice of celebrating the ninth day of the ninth lunar month by climbing to the top of a high mountain. Maple forests cover azure cliffs and verdant ledges; small bridges over flowing water and country homes dot the landscape. On the mountaintop, a group of travellers has gathered in a small pavilion to gaze at distant views, and celebrate with joyous chanting. &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十三冊,頁70-75&*1.林莉娜,〈明吳彬歲華紀勝圖〉,收入林莉娜編,《秋景山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1989年十月初版),頁79-80。