石渠寶笈三編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁668&*淺褐地設色織,一隻鳯凰站在奇石之上,仰望著在天空飛翔的同伴,芙蓉盛開,明麗典雅。畫名〈和鳴鸞鳯〉,及畫上的芙蓉,寓意著「榮華富貴」、「琴瑟和鳴」,應作為婚禮祝賀之用。 此幅織工細密,以藍、綠、駝黃為主色,暈色層次細膩,採用「摜」法及各式「戧」法,將花葉的陰陽向背、仰偃卷曲及柔媚姿態,表現得逼真傳神,鳳凰羽尾飛揚,硬羽、軟羽光澤亮麗,緙工極為細膩精湛。 &*Against a light ochre background is a pair of phoenixes woven in colors--one stands on a decorative rock looking up at its partner flying. Hibiscus is also shown in full bloom for a beautiful and elegant effect. The title of this work, combined with the hibiscus, stand for “riches and prosperity” and “lute and zither in harmony,” representing a wish for conjugal bliss and congratulations on a marriage. The weaving here is fine and delicate, composed chiefly of blue, green, and dark yellow. The shading of the colors is also exquisite, using the “flinging” and various “propping” methods to bring out the twists and turns of the leaves and blossoms as they curve in a beautiful and realistic manner. The tails of the phoenixes are also sinuous, the luster and beauty of the stiff feathers and soft down woven in this tapestry with great skill. &*1.童文娥,〈緙絲和鳴鸞鳳〉,收入童文娥主編,《緙絲風華 — 宋代緙絲花鳥展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版一刷),頁61。