石渠寶笈三編(避暑山莊),第九冊,頁4501-4502 &*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁279-284&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十一冊,頁133-174&*宋人史繩祖著《學齋佔畢》引李公麟語云:「梁元帝時,蕭繹鎮荊時作貢職圖,狀其形,而識其土俗,首虜而後蜑,凡三十餘國。」貢職圖即職貢圖,「職」即職方,是古代官名,職貢即職方貢物。《周禮˙夏官》有職方氏,掌天下地圖,主四方職貢。我國歷代以來,邊疆民族及屬邦與中央的關係,日益密切,職貢有圖,方物有錄,所謂職貢圖,其實就是我國邊疆民族及外邦屬國的民俗圖像。 國立故宮博物院典藏「職貢圖」,乾隆年間謝遂繪製,共四卷,各卷縱約三三.九公分,橫約一四一0˙四公分至一八三六˙一公分不等。第一卷共七十圖,為西洋、外藩及朝貢屬邦圖像;第二卷共六十一圖,為東北、福建、湖南、廣東、廣西等省邊疆民族圖像;第三卷共九十二圖,為甘肅、四川等省邊疆民族圖像;第四卷共七十八圖,為雲南、貴州等省邊疆民族圖像,合計共三0一圖,俱就沿邊省分各督撫進呈圖樣,以地相次,分卷繪製增補而成,有漢、滿文圖說及題識。 「職貢圖」是一套瑰麗的中外民俗畫史,由於清朝政府積極促進邊疆與內地的政治、經濟、文化關係,各民族日益融合,奠定我國多民族的基礎,「職貢圖」的繪製充分反映了乾隆皇帝對東西洋各國、朝貢屬邦的貿易政策,以及對邊疆地區的民族政策。 (莊吉發)&* 謝遂,生卒年里不詳,乾隆年間,供奉內廷,工畫人物。 此卷為其所繪職貢圖,分繪清朝統治下,本土以及四方藩屬境內各民族,官吏、土司、酋長、人民、男、女、婦、孺之狀貌。着色鮮麗,神情栩活。不惟令人欣賞其人物描繪之精工,尤堪供為民族風俗服飾考證之史料。又同樣題材,除此繪畫外,尚有皇清職貢圖刊本。 &* Hsieh Sui was given an appointment at court during the Ch’ien-lung reign (1736-1795), though more precise dates for his life are lacking. He was a figure painter. In these handscrolls, whose subject is the presentation of tribute, are depicted all the officials, commissioners, chiefs, and men, women, and children of the various peoples that made up the Ch’ing empire. The vivid colours give great life to a scene which impresses one with the skill of its figure painting. In particular this work provides historical evidence of the costumes and customs of the various minority peoples of this period. Besides these four handscrolls there is the edition of the ‘Barbarian Dependancies Presenting Tribute to the Imperial Ch’ing Court’ printed from woodblocks. &* 此職貢圖成於乾隆年間繪世界各國及國內各邊疆民族官目、人民男婦狀貌服飾,其標題西藏部份計有五圖十人: (一)西藏所屬衛、藏、阿里、喀木諸番民:關于衛、藏、阿里、喀木之位置請參看分說明「西藏」條。 (二)西藏所屬補嚕克巴番人:補嚕克巴即今之不丹。 (三)西藏所屬穆安巴番人:穆安巴在不丹以東之大旺提郎宗一帶地區。 (四)西藏巴埒卡穆等處番人:巴埒卡穆即今西康省之寧靖縣。 (五)西藏密尼雅克番人:密尼雅克在康定以西雅礲江流域。 (按):巴埒卡穆及密尼雅克在前清時屬四川省管轄。 &* Painted during the reign of the Ch’ing Ch’ien-lung emperor, this long handscroll depicts officials and commoners of both sexes from various countries of the world and border-areas of the Ch’ing empire in their native costumes. The Tibetan portion of this work comprises ten figures in five segments accompanied by explanatory notes and titles in Chinese and Manchu. From right to left, the titles are translated as follows: 1) “Natives of the Tibetan areas of Wei, Tsang, Ngari and Kham.” (For the locations of these placenames, see the explanatory card for Tibet in this exhibition) 2) “Brugpa natives of Tibet.” (The Tibetan name “Brugpa” or hBrug-Pa connotes an area in modern Bhutan) 3) “Monpa natives of Tibet.” (In Tibetan, Mon-pa is the name for the area around Tawang and Dirang east of Bhutan) 4) “Barkham natives of Tibet.” (This area, called Bar-Khams in Tibetan, is now Ning-ching county in the Chinese province of Hsikang) 5) “Miniak natives of Tibet.” (Called Mi-Nyag by the Tibetans, this area is located around the Yalung River west of K’ang-ting in modern Hsikang province.) (Note: During Ch’ing times, Barkham and Miniak were located in what was then Szechuan province.)