石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2025&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁46&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十冊,頁127-130&* 稻田青翠,林木葱籠,溪流潺潺,村舍樸淨,呈示出農村美好景色。一日工作又近尾聲,田事已罷,牧童正引牛羊歸返欄圈,漁夫也負網執漿囘家。牧童或坐牛背上,吹笛取樂;或倒臥牛背,趨身以柳枝戲羊;或別有收穫,捕得雉雞而歸。遠處林內有驕馬行旅。屋中可見婦人抱嬰。未具名畫家以精工描繪農村景物,寫實而自然,敷彩尤其鮮麗,極為生動。&* Rice fields are filled with green sprouts and the forests are covered with rich new foliage. A spring babbles by farm houses, simple and pure. The scene captures the rustic beauty of a country village. The day’s work comes to an end; their toil in the fields finished, the young herdsboys are leading the oxen and goats back to their pens. A fisherman also heads home, carrying his net and oar. As for the herdsboys, one sits atop his ox pulling a melody out from his flute, another lies upon his ox’s back, using a willow branch to tease the beast. Yet another has a different haul! He gathers up a pheasant for his return home. The unknown author of this painting has created a village scene in the finest detail. The description is realistic and natural, the colors are fresh and alluring, -- all in all, the painting is full of life.