故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁105&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁205-206&* 夏圭(西元十二至十三世紀),字禹玉,浙江錢塘人。宋寧宗時、畫院待詔,並獲皇帝賜金帶的殊榮。畫山水人物,醞釀墨色、筆法蒼老,給人一種墨汁淋漓的感覺。山水畫法與馬遠略同,喜歡畫一角半邊的構圖,當時人合稱之馬夏。 畫垂柳兩株,樹下有巨石,草石之間有小徑,旁有棧橋。溪中小舟一人獨坐,出入於淺渚蒲蘆之間。背山全用螺青漬染。山巔以小樹點綴。可稱為佈局清奇,用筆秀挺。 &* Hsia Kuei, whose style name was Yu-yü was a native of Ch’ien-t’ang, Chekiang. He served in the Painting Academy under Ning Tsung (r. 1195-1224) as Painter-in-Attendance. He also received from the emperor the Golden Girdle award. In his painting of figures and landscapes, the gradations of ink tone and hoary brush strokes give one an impression of great moistness. Two weeping willows and a large rock provide the focus of the painting. A small path cuts through grasses and rocks to a pier. A solitary figure in a small boat floats amidst sand bars and reeds. In the background, a broad sweep of ink and colored wash forms a screen of mountain upon which small trees are dotted. The scene has a pure and dramatic feeling, which is accentuated by the strong brushwork.