秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁365&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁126&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁379-380&* 姚文瀚(活動於西元一七五二年前後),順天(北平)人。號濯亭,乾隆時供奉內廷,善畫佛道人物。 佛陀釋迦牟尼,是無與倫比的完人。他的雙目凝視著經文,他的身體射出宛如金色的光芒。佛陀一面、二手,盤膝而坐。向佛陀致敬!您的右手作觸地手印,您的左手作修法手印。《羅漢禮供》 本幅為十六羅漢連作的中心人物-釋迦牟尼佛。釋尊結跏趺坐於方壇蓮座上,左手結定印,右手作觸地降魔印。舍利子、目犍連二弟子持錫杖捧缽,侍立兩側。西藏畫中,釋尊的脅侍弟子是舍利子及目犍連,而非漢畫貫見的阿難及迦葉。 畫中釋迦牟尼佛光環的外緣,有裝飾華麗的「六舁座」,由金翅鳥、龍女、魔羯巨鰲、獨角麒麟美少年、獅、象組成,象徵獲得佛智的「六度」。壇前供奉著西藏七寶:法輪、珍寶、皇后、大臣、大象、馬及武將。 &* Yao Wen-han (sobriquet Cho-t’ing) was a native of Shun-t’ien (modern Peking). He excelled in Buddha and Taoist figure painting and served as a painter in the Inner Court of the Ch’ien-lung emperor (r.1736-1796). This painting represents the central figure in the cycle of sixteen lohans, Shākyamuni, the historical Buddha. Shākyamuni is sitting in a cross-legged meditative position (samadhi) upon a square lotus pedestal. His makes the dhyāna mudrā (the gesture signifying mediation) with his left hand and the bhūmisparsha mudrā (the gesture of calling the earth as witness) with his right hand. Shāriputra and Maudgālyayana, two attendant disciples holding Buddhist walking staffs and alms bowls, flank Shākyamuni. In Tibetan Buddhist art, Shākyamuni’s disciples are Shāriputra and Maudgālyayana, and not Ānanda and Kāshypa, the two disciples usually depicted in Chinese Buddhist paintings. In a mandorla behind Shākyamuni Buddha are the six kinds of spirits: Garuda, the king of birds; Nāgakanyā, dragon maidens; makaras, sea birds; children and beasts; and lions and elephants-the symbols of the six wisdoms. In the foreground in front of the lotus pedestal are the seven treasures of Tibetan Buddhism: the Wheel of the Law (Dharmaçakra), precious treasures, the empress, ministers, an elephant, a horse, and a military officer.