石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁809&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁105&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁343-344 &* 張鵬翀(西元一六八八-一七四五)字天扉,一字柳庵,號南華。雍正丁未(一七二七)進士。品潔才敏,能詩復精繪事。 秋日山景,筆墨清秀,優雅怡人。張氏在畫上題請乾隆皇帝指教,乾隆亦於畫上作題,謙稱繪事非其所專。從君臣題識往還之事實,可窺見乾隆朝繪畫活動之盛。 &*Autumn Landscape Chang P’eng-ch’ung (1688-1745) Ch’ing dynasty Chang P’eng-ch’ung (tzu T’ien-fei, Liu-an; hao Nan-hua) received the chin-shih in 1727. Fastidious, talented and diligent, he was an able poet and a skillful painter. Autumn mountains are depicted with an elegance and clarity of brushwork which pleases the viewer. In inscribing the painting, Chang asked the Ch’ien-lung emperor to give an appraisal, the emperor wrote a colophon stating that he was not able to judge painting. From the content and the fact that these reciprocal colophons appear, we gain some understanding of the fourishing activity of court painting during the Ch’ien-lung reign.