石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁695&*張照,華亭人。字得天,號涇南。康熙進士,雍正間官至刑部尚書。通法律,精音樂,尤工書法。生於康熙三十(一六九一)年,卒於乾隆十(一七四五)年,年五十五。 書畫紀略稱張照書法初從董香光入手,繼乃出入顏米。天骨開張,氣魄渾厚,雄跨當代,深被宸賞。 &*Chang Chao was a native of Hua-t'ing, Kiangsu. His style name was Te-t'ien, his sobriquet Ching-nan. Having passed his chin-shih examination in the K'ang-hsi era (1662-1722), Chang eventually rose to the influential position of Minister of the Board of Punishments. He was a man of versatile talents; he had an insightful understanding of legal matters, was proficient in music, and was especially skilled in calligraphy. In calligraphy he at first followed Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (1555-1636), but then turned to Yen Chen-ch'ing (709-785) and Mi Fu (1051-1107). The structure of his characters is natural, and the composition expansive and open. The total spirit is weighty and thick. His works were much appreciated in his own day.