故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁125&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁329-330&* 徐揚,生卒年不詳,號雲亭,江蘇吳縣人,乾隆十六(西元一七五一)年,因獻畫而獲高宗賞識,召入內廷畫院為供奉。他的畫以山水為專長,又善於畫墨梅,人物畫較難得見到。 本幅畫二尊者結跏趺坐,其一眉目清淨,披袈裟,手持經卷,前一侍者持槌擊磬,另一尊者披髮長鬚,著長衫,閉目沉思,前一居士俯身跪拜。二尊者的後面石几上有水瓶、香爐、經卷等。全幅人物衣紋線條於勻稱,構圖平實,為清代畫羅漢典型之一。 &*Imitating Kuan-hsiu’s Paintings of Lohans, Hsü Yang (fl. 18th century), Ch’ing Dynasty. Hsü Yang (sobriquet; Yün-t’ing), whose birth and death dates are unknown, was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. In 1751, having presented a painting to the Ch’ien-lung emperor (r. 1736-1795) and receiving his praise, Hsü Yang was summoned to the Painting Academy of the Inner Court as a Palace Attendant. He was a specialist in landscape painting and also excelled at depicting plum blossoms in monochrome ink. His figure paintings are less frequently seen, however. This is a painting of two lohans seated cross-legged. One of them is handsome, dressed in monastic garb, and holding a sūtra scroll. In front of him is an attendant garb, and holding a sūtra scroll. In front of him is an attendant striking a ch’ing-instrument with a mallet. The other lohan wears long hair, a moustache and beard, and a robe with long sleeves. His eyes are closed in deep thought. Before him is a layman kneeling and bowing in worship. On the stone table behind the two lohans are such objects as a water bottle, incense burner, and sūtra scroll. The composition of the painting appears realistic. It is typical Ch’ing dynasty of lohans. &*1.李玉珉,〈清徐揚仿貫休畫羅漢〉,收入李玉珉主編,《羅漢畫》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1990年初版),頁86。